What We Do

Wellspring Awards

Connecticut is a wellspring of ideas and innovations on how to foster aging, dementia and disability inclusivity. How does YOUR community inspire others throughout the state?

The Wellspring Awards honor Connecticut-specific, community-based projects, initiatives and policies implemented within the past five years and/or with ongoing, meaningful, relevant community impact. Strong nominations promote aging, dementia, or disability inclusivity; integrate the voices of individuals with lived experience; and have long-term, systemic community impact going beyond provision of individual services and supports.

For updates on our Wellspring Awards, sign up for our enews.

2023 Award Winners

We honored four winners at our Sharing and Celebration Summit at the State Capitol on April 26, 2023.

Age-Friendly Glastonbury

For their community-wide effort to address the diverse and evolving needs of community members of all ages, especially in relation to infrastructure, outdoor spaces, and housing.

Thrive55+ Active Living Center, Groton

For their work toward adopting a new, age-positive branding identity and for their inclusion efforts for individuals with dementia or socialization issues.

Dementia-Friendly Southington

For their comprehensive effort to support people experiencing cognitive change, especially through training of municipal staff and community partners.

Central Connecticut State University

For their work to disrupt ageism and to promote lifelong learning and intergenerational connection, including becoming the first Connecticut university to join the Age-Friendly University Global Network.

Event Photos

These photos were taken during our Sharing and Celebration Summit at the Connecticut State Capitol on April 26, 2023. Click any photo to see it larger.

More to Explore

Download Our Resource Guide

Our third municipal resource guide highlights the winners of our 2023 Wellspring Awards. Download the guide to learn more about what inspired these initiatives, how they were brought to life, and the partners and stakeholders who contributed to each project.

The cover and an inner spread of our resource guide, "Honoring Community Excellence"

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